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Company: RegencyHost, Inc

Hosting plan URL: http://www.regencyhost.com/vps.html

Price per month: $16.95

Disk space: 35 GB

Bandwidth allocation: 1500 GB per month

Operating system: Linux

Control panel included: Yes

Contract length: 0 months

Features: We offer Linux VPS hosting plans! RegencyHost is proud to be one of the very first Virtual Private Server hosting companies to give our customers their choice of Best Linux VPS hosting plans. All VPS servers are hosted on enterprise grade multi-core Hardware with a minimum of 12GB RAM and offer a 99.9% uptime guarantee.

All VPS's will be managed by your HyperVM control panel. All VPS's are using OpenVZ technology. All of our Unmanaged VPS's are located in Denver Co.

Benefits of our VPS's

* Instant Reboots from Control Panel
* Instant OS Rebuilds from Control Panel
* Use our public DNS servers and manage DNS records from your HyperVM control panel.
* Setup reverse DNS entries for your VPS IP's in your HyperVM control panel.
* We have many OS Templates with free control panels preinstalled. Like Webmin and Kloxo.
